What do “vegans” eat?

A funny thing that often vegans have to hear…

…is: “Well, you eat nothing!”


I find it funny, as it really depends, as everything.
Personally, my range of foods has definitely widened since I went plant based.

Fruit, vegetables, legumes, cereals and seeds is what I eat and I surely have now a much broader variety than I used to, in the past.

Questioning food habits and putting more attention on that matter led me to slowly become more aware of the importance of food choices.
Anyway, this is my cupboard today. Quite essential (I don’t like to have huge stocks), but packed with everything I need.

On the bottom there are ingredients for everyday use, for salads, pasta or desserts. I always put labels with names and expiration date, when needed.

It has:
corn (to make pop-corns)
nutritional yeast
almonds granola
pistachio granola
gomasio (that I grind myself)
pine nuts
wheat germ.
The next row has:
dried figs (sometimes I buy plums or other fruits)
seeds (flax, sunflower, pumpkin and  sesam)
corn flakes.

In the middle there are cereals and legumes for main dishes, so they change quite a lot.
Today, for example,  there is:

red rice
whole wheate pasta
white quinoa
polenta taragna

lima beans
small lentils
black chickpeas

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